Thursday, November 6, 2008

20% Off the Wholesale Price!

20% off Acuped Detox Patches!
IonLife dealers will get a ONE-TIME month of November 2008 20% discount off a WHOLESALE Acupeds Detox Patch purchase. These patches are extremely effective, low cost, and perfect to "pair" with alkaline water. Using centuries old research to unlease the natural power of healing herbs and plants, these patches have a safe naturopathic combination that draws toxins from the acupuncture points at the bottom of the foot and elsewhere on the body. This drawing power of Acupeds' natural ingredients has been extensively tested and no animal products are used.

So, use them to sell, enjoy them yourself, gift them away. . .do it all!

We also have
personalized fliers (e-copies) for you to give away with your detox patches when you distribute, to promote a maximum benefit result by pairing the patches with alkaline water. Please e-mail kim@ionlife with your contact information (name, phone number, e-mail, website) to be included on your fliers BEFORE your order is placed (so you recieve your patches and fliers at the same time) CLICK HERE to order and enjoy!

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