Every day the Technical Department runs into people who really don’t know the difference between the .1M Biostone Plus and .01M Ultra Biostone, and therefore could possibly be purchasing the wrong one for their water conditions. First of all, it is interesting to put a micron into perspective. A micron is a unit of measure equivalent to 1/25,000 of an inch. Our .01 micron filter provides filtration down to 1 /2,500,000 of an inch!
The primary benefit of the .01 micron filter is for bacterial and viral protection. Typically, municipal tap water is void of these contaminants because high concentrations of chlorine (or chloramines) are used for disinfection purposes. Someone on a well may be more likely to need this level of filtration due to an increased potential for bacterial or viral contamination, and reduced disinfection capabilities/reliability when compared to municipal supplies. The .01M is effective at helping to remove chlorine and many other contaminants, but is not effective at removing chloramines. Also the .01M, which uses the finest fibers to trap micro-organisms, does not contain as much carbon as the .1M Biostone Plus.
The new Biostone Plus filter is specifically formulated using Catalytic Carbon to address the chlorine and chloramines issues that people encounter on a city or municipal water source. For that reason, it is recommended to use just the Biostone Plus with a city or municipal water source – especially if treated with chloramines instead of chlorine. Like the .01M Ultra Biostone, the Biostone Plus is also effective at helping to remove other water contaminants.
It is also important that our water ionizers are not meant to be used with unsafe water. If using well or untreated water it is necessary to have a water test done and then send us the results so we can advise of any further filtration needs. This will help protect your ionizer as well as your health and warranty!
Finally – although the filters in Jupiter ionizers are the best ionizer filters in the market, they are still general filters. If you have an unusually high amount of any contaminant then you may wish to advise your customer to also get a specialty pre-filter installed under the counter. IonLife has a full range of specialty pre-filters available and staff that are trained to help you with your filter needs.