Thursday, April 1, 2010

Earth Day Tips and Facts

Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd, and we would like to share some tips with you for helping conserve our environment:

-Take shorter showers and skip baths. A 5 minute shower takes 15-25 gallons of water, rather than 40 gallons used to take a bath.

-Grass and leaves can be turned into compost instead of trash.

-Laptops can save almost 50% more energy than their desktop counterparts.

-Recycling an aluminum can uses 95% less energy than making a can from new materials.

-Prevent 300 pounds of CO2 every year by buying fluorescent light bulbs.

-Wear organic fabrics like cotton and linen that are less harmful to the environment and are better for your skin.

-Capture all the acid waste water from your water ionizer and use for house plants or cleaning etc.

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