Thursday, November 6, 2008

IonLife Dealer Webinars!

Get the IonLife info while it's hot! Check in with Crystle Hyatt at IonLife to register for the upcoming dealer webinars. Learn about the newest technologies & products, ask the technical questions you want, and interact with other dealers.

November 6th - Topic: New Products Introduction

December 5th - Topic: TBA

Please e-mail or call (800) 875-9025 ext. 2022 to register and reserve your space in the next IonLife dealer webinar.

20% Off the Wholesale Price!

20% off Acuped Detox Patches!
IonLife dealers will get a ONE-TIME month of November 2008 20% discount off a WHOLESALE Acupeds Detox Patch purchase. These patches are extremely effective, low cost, and perfect to "pair" with alkaline water. Using centuries old research to unlease the natural power of healing herbs and plants, these patches have a safe naturopathic combination that draws toxins from the acupuncture points at the bottom of the foot and elsewhere on the body. This drawing power of Acupeds' natural ingredients has been extensively tested and no animal products are used.

So, use them to sell, enjoy them yourself, gift them away. . .do it all!

We also have
personalized fliers (e-copies) for you to give away with your detox patches when you distribute, to promote a maximum benefit result by pairing the patches with alkaline water. Please e-mail kim@ionlife with your contact information (name, phone number, e-mail, website) to be included on your fliers BEFORE your order is placed (so you recieve your patches and fliers at the same time) CLICK HERE to order and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Testimonial From a Happy Customer!

This testimonial is from a very satisfied customer who purchased from an IonLife dealer in Hawaii and recently e-mailed Joseph Stumph, Technical Support, for IonLife, Inc.

"Hi Joseph, just want to thank you for all your expertise help. Just ordered the Aquarius today and can't wait for it to arrive. Our close family friend offered some of his alkaline water to my son and he was very surprised with the results it produced towards his very bad acid reflux condition. I chose your brand after researching all other brands and the Jupiter brand was number one by far. Again thanks for all your your help. No other brand has the customer service you provided."

- Dennis


Important! For customer water ionizer warranties to be valid, they MUST register within 60 days of purchase. Please have them go to OR mail in a filled out warranty card to:

IonLife, Inc. 8745 Technology Way, Suite C, Reno, NV 89521 USA (All ionizers are shipped with a warranty card and instructions, however, it's probably good to remind your customers. . . just in case)

Re-cap of the warranty:
The 5 year warranty on all models (except the Ultra Technos which has a 1 year warranty - including FREE shipping, labor, and parts for that 12 months) provides three (3) years parts and labor, from purchase date, with FREE shipping. For for years 4 and 5, parts are FREE and the customer pays only for labor and shipping. (Max $100.00 charge). Click Here for more details.

Reposting: Bottled Water Is No Purer Than Tap Water, Group Says

IonLife has found this article to be quite interesting .We know historically there's been a huge surge of suppliers into the "bottled water" market for the reason of elevated profitability. It seems the pressure is building on these companies. This article can provide useful ammo when proposing a water ionizer purchase to potential customers. Instead of drinking bottled water from the store, they will be able to control their own water source from their own house and eliminate those unwanted pollutants they are actually buying. Ew! Even more, the water will be full of alkaline minerals and up to six times more hydrating than most bottled waters. If people are already spending a chunk of change on bottled water then obtaining a water ionizer provides nothing to lose, and so much to gain!

Bottled Water Is No Purer Than Tap Water, Group Says

By Rob Waters

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Bottled water sold in markets and convenience stores may be no more free of pollutants than the water that pours from the kitchen tap at a fraction of the cost, said an environmental group that tested samples.

Ten top-selling brands of bottled water contained a total of 38 pollutants including fertilizer, industrial chemicals, bacteria and the residue of drugs such as Tylenol, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group based in Washington, D.C. The bottled water showed an average of eight pollutants in each sample.

Americans drank more than twice as much bottled water in 2007 as they did in 1997, guzzling 8.8 billion gallons at a cost of $10.3 billion in 2007, according to the Beverage Marketing Corp., a research and consulting firm based in New York. Although commercials often show pristine mountain springs, the reality is that bottled water often comes from city water supplies, said Renee Sharp, an Environmental Working Group senior scientist.

"If you're going to pay 1,500 times more for bottled water than for tap you'd expect that you'd be getting a cleaner, better product,'' said Sharp. ``And that's not necessarily true.''

Public water utilities are required to inform customers about contaminants that may be present in tap water and, in most states, to tell customers where the water comes from and how it's purified. Companies selling bottled water have few similar rules, Sharp said.

California, which has stricter standards than most states, requires companies to disclose whether bottled water comes from municipal water systems and also to warn consumers about contaminants that may pose health risks.

No Assurances

"But even in California, consumers still can't be assured they're getting a better product'' than they could get from their kitchen sink, Sharp said.

Sharp and her colleagues started their research by buying samples of 10 different brands and sending them to an independent laboratory for testing. They noticed that bottles from Wal-Mart's and Giant Food Inc., seemed to bear the chemical signature of standard municipal water treatment, Sharp said.

In three samples of Sam's Choice purified drinking water sold at Wal-Mart stores near San Francisco, levels of a group of chemicals known as trihalomethanes exceeded state standards, the report said. These are byproducts of chlorine and other chemicals used to kill microbes and can cause cancer at high doses.

Quality is `Top Priority'

Tests conducted by Wal-Mart and its suppliers don't show "any reportable amounts of chlorine or chlorine by-products,'' Shannon Frederick, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, said yesterday in an e-mail.

"The suppliers of Sam's Choice water regularly test to verify compliance and quality,'' she said. "Product quality is a top priority at Wal-Mart, and we stand behind the quality of our bottled water.''

Giant Food spokesman Jamie Miller said in an e-mail today the water marketed by the company is produced with ``numerous safety and quality assurance controls, including a filtration process that assures that the quality of the product meets all regulatory standards for safe drinking water in the areas where we operate.''

While Sharp and her colleagues tested eight bottled water brands in addition to those of Wal-Mart and Giant, the report didn't name the others.

The largest producer of bottled water in the U.S., Nestle Waters North America, a unit of Switzerland-based Nestle, SA said today in an e-mailed statement that the environmental group's report was "false and misleading'' and seeks to "undermine the integrity of bottled water.''

'Multi-step Filtration'

Water used in Nestle's brands, which include Poland Spring and San Pellegrino, are tested regularly by independent labs and undergo "multi-step filtration,'' said Heidi Paul, the unit's vice president, in the statement.

"Contrary to the EWG's attempt to equate tap water quality with bottled water, our water is held to a higher standard,'' Paul said.

The Environmental Working Group notified Wal-Mart yesterday that it intended to sue the company for violating the terms of California's Proposition 65, a measure passed by voters in 1986. The regulation requires businesses to notify consumers if products they sell contain significant amounts of chemicals known to cause harm.

Wal-Mart's Frederick said she had no comment on the possible lawsuit.

The increased consumption of water sold in disposable plastic bottles also creates serious environmental problems, Sharp said.

`Enormous Environmental Impacts'

"The environmental impacts of bottled water production are enormous in terms of the amount of energy that goes into producing the bottles and shipping them around the country,'' she said. "The bottles also clog landfill sites and increasingly pollute oceans, where they endanger marine animals."

While Giant Food's Acadia brand had similar levels of trihalomethanes, the environmental group doesn't plan to sue the chain under the California statute because it doesn't have stores in the state, Sharp said.

The environmental group wants to see stricter, nationwide standards requiring full disclosure of the contaminants in bottled water and urges consumers to switch from bottled water to tap water. People who are concerned about tap water quality can purchase home filtration systems for a small portion of the cost they pay for bottled water, Sharp said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Rob Waters in San Francisco at

Last Updated: October 15, 2008 13:36 EDT


NEW PRODUCT UPDATE: IonLife’s patent pending double spouted faucet has been a major focus of our Research & Development department during 2008. It will revolutionize the countertop/under counter ionizer market. The engineers have recently completed another enhancement in the design by configuring a durable metal handle that slides horizontally to start and stop the flow of water. These improvements have prompted a retail price increase to $199.00 (complete kit). Besides replacement filters and detox patches these are a great way to supplement your ionizer sales as well as help keep your customers happy!

IonLife is beta launching their new website at!

IonLife is beta launching their new website, This new site will supplement the in creating simpler and easier navigation. You will be able to login and order as usual. New information will be posted frequently on this site, so please feel free to take the information and repost again with commentary on your own site
*reposting with comments or slight changes promotes better search engine optimization*

Fake Comparison Sites - What They are Doing!


There is some tricky business going on today on the internet. Testing ionizer performance can easily be manipulated, even if they go to great lengths to tell you how they are not. There are basically three ways to manipulate test results: 1) control the performance variables, 2) Doctor the test vessels, 3) play tricks with the camera. BUYER BEWARE of performance tests which carry no certification. You should only trust test results obtained by a third party credible source that is willing to certify the test results.Let’s look at each of the ways tests can appear to be legitimate but are dishonest and manipulated:

Testing where you cannot see the voltage settings on the ionizers: This would be the easiest trick they can play. The scenario is easy: the person performing the test tells you the ionizer is on the highest setting, but the camera does not bother to zoom in on the control panel of the ionizer so you can see it. As you view a performance video pay attention to:

The close up shots of the control panel of each ionizer.

Look to ensure the highest setting is selected and that you can actually see this.

Manipulating Flow Rates: You can always achieve higher pH and ORP readings with reduced flow rates. Simply put, speed up flow rate, you get less performance; slow it down and you'll get more performance. As you view a performance video pay attention to:

The individual flow rates on each ionizer – can you see them individually and close up?

Are all the ionizers running at the same time? If so be suspicious – it would be easy to control flow using an in-line valve. You could slow flow to one ionizer to increase results and speed up flow on another ionizer to decrease results.

Additives: Some units have mineral ports. Additives can be introduced to increase or decrease performance.

White vinegar can be added to the port of an ionizer to decrease performance

Mineral additives can be introduced to increase performance

Again, who did the test? Are they credible?

In the end ask who was controlling the settings? A technician from an Independent EPA Certified Analytical Lab would certainly be the most trustworthy.

DOCTORING TEST VESSELS – Even if they state that the test vessels are brand new. Here a few ways in which they can appear brand new but completely skew results:

Ammonia or bleach – both liquids are extremely powerful alkaline substances. Both also happen to be clear liquids. Here is a simple an powerful way in which to alter results: Take what appears to be a new cup, swirl some bleach or ammonia in it. Pour it out. Allow to dry. Now your vessel appears brand new – but will powerfully alter the results. Add water and you will have a high pH result.

White vinegar or muriatic acid – both liquids are extremely powerful acidic substances. Both are also clear liquids. Test results can be doctored to lower results using the same method but substituting an acidic. Add water and you will have a lower pH result.

PLAYING TRICKS WITH THE CAMERA OR NARRATIVE– this form of manipulation is easiest to understand. Through editing you can start or stop a film easily creating results that are falsified. Magic can fool your naked eye; imagine what type of magic can be crafted using a camera! Through deft narrative you can be hypnotized into thinking that a test appears to be performed honestly. This is also the easiest to remove doubt from. Believe only facts that can be certified. As you view a performance video ask:

Who is making the rating or video? Who actually performed the tests?

Is the person testing (and standing behind the results) credible? Can they be believed?

Would you prefer to believe a technician from an Independent EPA Certified Analytical Lab would certainly be the most trustworthy.

Lastly lets look at the motivation. Most of the current comparison sites have top ranking in the “Sponsored Links” section on GoogleTM. Why on earth would an objective review site pay GoogleTM to get to the top billing in the search engine rankings? Could it be they stand to profit? The only criteria they offer you are their homegrown video “performance tests” which attempt to appear unbiased and objective. Again, ask the salient questions. In the end you will find it is a slick, yet essentially dishonest approach to offering a comparison. It is designed to direct you to their specific brand, which of course they rank the highest. Additionally, they focus only on pH and ORP and leave out some other crucial performance considerations. In short, when you look past a clean-cut image and a smooth articulate delivery, where are the facts that you can trust?

WHAT YOU SHOULD BELIEVE – It is especially important when considering performance testing that you trust only facts. There are more and more “comparisons” showing up on the Internet lately; how can you know which to believe? The following criteria will help you distinguish what is truly factual from that which appears to be, but in reality is not.


Is the Test Independent, Third Party? You will want to know the party performing the test has no motivation for a specific outcome. Ideally a test would be performed by a company with absolutely no business ties to any brand. There are tests on the Internet that appear to be objective but in reality are not. In a few short minutes of internet searching, we found an interesting website depicting the ties of one comparison site to a specific brand. A good litmus test to apply is does the entity performing the test make income from the sale of ionizers? Can you verify this?

Is the Test Scientific? Look for good solid scientific testing using:

Top quality instruments. Measuring pH is relatively common (example: pool and fish tank maintenance) and the equipment to do it is fairly accurate and readily available. Measuring ORP is another story entirely. ORP is expressed in millivolts (1/1000 of a single volt) and measures extremely slight, and highly variable differences in the electrical properties of water. Instruments that measure ORP range in price from $100 for a handheld “tester” to over $3,000 for more sophisticated laboratory equipment. Look for the more sophisticated and expensive laboratory equipment.

Solid lab protocols and flawless execution. There are many factors which can be manipulated easily in a video. You will want verify that all possible variables that could affect the outcome of testing were strictly controlled such as settings, flow rates, age of the ionizer.

Are the Results Certified? You want to see results certified by a credible authority, which will stand behind the fact that it is an Independent Third Party that has employed proper scientific protocols. The litmus test here is easy: would the certifying party have anything to lose if they were caught falsifying certified results? An analytical lab with an EPA certification on the line would be a good bet to provide facts that are verifiable and trustworthy. A guy standing in a kitchen would not.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

IonLife as VidaIon!

Spanish! Beta site launched
and is a terrific information source for your potential Spanish customers. Rudy Altamirano manages our IonLife Spanish accounts and can advise best practices for YOU to reach YOUR local market. What a great opportunity to expand your sales reach! We have a variety of literature as well as an informational DVD.

Please feel free to request these materials by e-mailing or

At the Top with IonLife. Literally!

IonLife, Inc. recently donated a Melody water ionizer to the Rescue Humanity facilities in Nepal. This organization houses and educates orphans as well as provides a safe house for women and children with AIDS. We're excited as they will have plenty of uses for the alkaline and acidic water (safe and filtered alkaline drinking water, disinfecting acidic water, etc). In appreciation, the organizers of the orphanage will be facilitating an on-site IonLife photo shoot of the children drinking the alkaline water as well as a Mount Everest climb in the Himalayas (doing a water ionizer photo shoot!). With easy access to the Sherpas via R.H. (Rescue Humanity), IonLife definitely has an "in" to peaking the tallest mountain in the world. It’s iconic of where we are and where we need to stand in the marketplace, AT THE TOP! IonLife encourages you to participate in humanitarian organizations and to explore more about Rescue Humanity, please visit

New Technological Updates for IonLife from Aquatech Amsterdam 2008

One of the leading water technology and water management tradeshows in Europe took place at the Amsterdam RAI Conference & Exhibition Center in the Netherlands, September 30 through October 3, 2008. Our IonLifeWater Guru and VP of Research and Technology, Geoff Poole, attended the tradeshow, hoping to get the latest scoop on developing technologies and trends. This event occurs every other year and is the place to meet water professionals from all over the world. The show provided a great opportunity to be updated on the latest drinking water related processes and developments. This year's event featured more than 70 U.S. exhibitors among 870 total exhibitors and 20,000+ visitors. It was a water technology mecca and IonLife walked away with some hot new knowledge and strong IonLife representation. Thank you for attending, Geoff!

Friday, September 12, 2008

This month IonLife is offering the first of many, FREE editable brochure files that you can use as sales tools

If interested, please send an e-mail to Kim Jones (, Marketing Manager, asking to be put on the distribution list. Also, IonLife has almost completed the Dealer Manual. We think you will like as it aims to be full of sales materials, product information and marketing materials etc. This will be mailed out to all active and qualified dealers.

Welcome David V. Machen, CPA,MST to IonLife

David V. Machen, CPA, MST is the new
Chief Financial Officer of Ionlife

As CFO he oversees all financial activities of the company. David brings 30 years of accounting, audit, management and taxation experience to the IonLife team.

During his career David has been involved in a variety of industries including wholesale/retail sales, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance/investment management. David has had substantial experience with development stage companies as well as existing publicly traded entities as both outside accountant and Chief Financial Officer.

David has a Bachelors Degree from the California State University, Sacramento in Accounting and a Masters Degree in Taxation from Golden Gate University. David is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in Nevada and California. David, a California native, spent his youth hiking and fishing in the local mountains. After graduating from college he moved to Nevada in 1979 and continued these pursuits.

UL CSA Acceptance for IonLife !

IonLife Receives UL CSA Acceptance.

IonLife Now Has UL CSA Acceptance.This is terrific news and helps demonstrate why IonLife’s quality and safety standards are very different from those of most other importers.
*As a dealer you can sell IonLife water ionizers with confidence knowing that they are have been tested and approved for sale in the USA.
*As far as we know, IonLife is the ONLY wholesale/retail water ionization company in the USA that is currently compliant.

In operation for more than a century, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. is an independent organization that evaluates products, components, materials and systems for compliance to specific requirements, andpermits acceptable products to carry a certification mark. A manufacturer of a UL certified product must demonstrate compliancewith the appropriate safety requirements. UL has developed more than 1,000 Standards for Safety, many of which are American National (ANSI) Standards, and evaluates nearly 20,000 types of products. A typical standard for electronic products includes not only requirements for electrical safety, but also spread of fire and mechanical hazards. UL develops its Standards to correlate with the requirements of model installation codes, such as the National Electrical Code.

NEW Double Spouted Faucet in 3 Variations

Many customers desire the luxury of installing an ionizer under the sink. In the past, just a single spout faucet was available. Ion Life is proud to introduce a major revelation with the creation of a single control, double spouted and vented faucet. This configuration allows for full access to the acidic water produced by the ionizer and installation is a snap. The kit comes with everything necessary for quick and easy installation. All that is needed is a 1-1/2” hole wherever you want the faucet to be located. This faucet has no electric controls so access to the ionizer under the counter is still needed to change pH settings, adjust flow rate or check filter life indicator.
For ONLINE ORDERING and more information please Click Here or you may call: (877) ION-LIFE (877-466-5433)
or (775) 875-9025

IonLife Customer Service

IonLife Customer Service to resolve issues within 48 Hours!

IonLife has added a “Customer Service Department”
function on our telephone auto attendant for retailers and wholesalers to choose from.
Choice "2" from our main line goes directly to a CSR who makes sure all problems are resolved within 48 hours. IonLife's number are 775-851-9451,
(877) ION-LIFE and (877) 466-5433

Environmental Tidbit:

Moonjay’s Environmental Remedy
for Eliminating Roaches

1/3 cup Corn Meal
1/3 cup White Sugar
1/3 cup Boric Acid

Mix all together and pour into small caps in area where roaches appear. The roaches are attracted to the mixture but it is fatal. About 5-7 days later, refill all the small caps in the same area so that any leftover roaches take the bait.

ISO-14001 Certificate

The ISO 14000 is awarded to companies concerned about being or becoming a "green" company. The ISO environmental management standards exist to help organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment (cause adverse changes to air, water, or land) and comply with applicable laws and regulations. ISO 14001 is the international specification for an environmental management system (EMS). It specifies requirements for establishing an environmental policy, determining environmental aspects and impacts of products/activities/services, planning environmental objectives and measurable targets, implementation and operation of programs to meet objectives and targets, checking and corrective action, and management review. Effective tools for the analysis of environmental aspects of an organization and for the generation of options for improvement are provided by the concept of cleaner production.

ISO-9001 Certification

The ISO-9001 Certification is internationally recognised and is controlled by the International Organization for Standardization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

To obtain certification Jupiter was audited for:
A set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business; Monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;Keeping adequate records;Checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary;Regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and Facilitating continual improvement.

IonLife in Korea

Ionlife executives just returned from South Korea after meeting with Emco Tech, the exclusive manufacturer for IonLife’s Jupiter Science ionizers.There were very fruitful meetings held to discuss how to create even closer ties, and to brainstorm on new technologies and products coming soon.The Koreans were very gracious hosts and took our IonLife Executives to some amazing locations. We look forward to strengthening this relationship as time continues.

IonLife with Spanish Marketing
In efforts to expand our market, IonLife has developed a Spanish wesite to be found at to educate and inform Spanish speaking customers. You are welcome to direct them to this site for information. Rudy Altamarano (IonLife Account Representative) at IonLife headquarters can assist you in educating potential customers, closing sales, and general support for your Spanish speaking customers. and (775)851-0748 ext. 2016,
(877) ION-LIFE ext. 2016 and (877-466-5433) ext. 2016


The story of alkaline water ionizers is like a river with two major streams feeding into it. The first stream is the inspirational paradigm, the idea that has led so many on a quest for a superior form of water. The second stream is the development of the process itself, the technology of the ionization of water.

Technology Plate

In a sense, the development of the process arrived first, before the paradigm was known to the wider world of research. It came through Michael Faraday, who invented the magneto and dynamo and was one of the great pioneers of electrical energy. One of his inventions that never achieved any practical use in his lifetime was a device for creating electrolysis, the electronic separation of water into its two principal constituents, hydrogen and oxygen. Later on, a form of electrolysis was used in the creation of the alkaline water ionizer.

It would take more than a century for scientists throughout the world to find the inspiration they needed to move forward with their quest to find perfect, healthier water for use by mankind. There were probably a wide variety of people who felt this inspiration. However, the full story of the development of the alkaline water ionizer has yet to be accurately traced.

One of those early researchers, Dr. Henri Coanda, was a renowned Rumanian scientist and Nobel Prize winner. He is known primarily for his study of fluid dynamics and its application to aeronautics. What is less known was his lifelong obsession with the structure of water, an obsession no doubt fueled by the stories of longevity that surfaced regarding the people of Hunza. As far back as the 1930’s, Coanda journeyed to that remote land to confirm his speculations that perhaps the water of Hunza had unique properties that contributed to their longevity. His conclusion was that, indeed, the water was different. When its temperature was lowered and the Hunza water assumed a crystalline, snowflake formation, it revealed a structure similar to the venal system in humans and additionally to the vascular structure in plants.

As far as the history of alkaline water ionization goes, all roads lead to Hunza of the Himalayas and to the Andes Mountains, the Shin-Chan areas of China and the Caucasus in Azerbaijan. Remote places to be sure, but places where longevity is the rule, not the exception.


Long before attempts were made to restructure water through ionization, various scientists found the Hunza water and diet to be a matter of special interest. After all, did the Hunza not have the longest lifespan in the world? Did they not bear children when they were comparatively older than their brethren in the rest of the world? Where was their cancer, their cavities, their degenerative diseases? What caused this phenomenon of health, vitality, and an overall body balance to originate and blossom in such a far away place?

The impetus of Hunza water was and is the common denominator of research into the water of longevity. And since most of the world could not recreate the unusual glacial conditions and mountainous terrain from which this water sprang, scientists looked at the structure of the water to see if it could be created. Could they recreate this special water’s high alkaline terrain? Could they simulate its active hydrogen content? Could they infuse it with this special form of hydrogen with the extra electron? Could they match its negative Redox potential? Could they take ordinary water and create this life giving water with its remarkably high colloidal mineral content?

The history of this search and that of others for a more perfect, more healing water, and the subsequent invention of the alkaline water ionizer, has perhaps yet to be told in full. Part of what is written here has been surmised from verbal accounts. The true story of this adventure has never been accurately recorded.

Although the account seems somewhat murky, it is believed that sometime after World War II, there was an attempt on the part of a number of Russian and Japanese researchers to investigate these same waters that Coanda had investigated. It is not clear exactly what inspired them to go forth, but by the 1940’s, certainly many more knew about Hunza than had known before. Its reality, in fact, had led to the romantic novel, Lost Horizons, about a mythical kingdom called Shangri-la, where people lived forever. Lost Horizon’s adaptation to film, in a blockbuster movie directed by Frank Capra, projected the story of the secret wells of life secluded in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas. By the end of the 1940’s, although no one claimed true immortality for the inhabitants of Hunza, there was a fever to find and understand the secret source of the longevity of the people of Hunza. The majority sensed that it lay in both diet and water.

The story, which has proliferated in an undeveloped form, is that the Japanese tapped into the new methods of electrolysis experiments being done by their Russian peers which had no doubt been inspired by the original technology of Faraday.

Alkaline ionic water is made by using a water ionizer to split electrically filtered tap water into alkaline ionic water and acid water, each of which then feeds into a separate chamber. One chamber contains the alkaline water that has been found to be so enriching to human health and wellness. The second chamber contains the acid water, which has remarkable uses as well.

The first water ionizer, whose technology conformed to this description, was developed in Japan in the early 50’s, probably as a result of probing into the Russian system of electrolysis. The experiments were first conducted on plants and animals. Full-scale development started in 1954 Several Japanese agricultural universities began looking into the effects of alkaline ionic water, and especially the effects of acid water on plants. Today nursery farmers that supply cut flowers use acid water to keep their flowers fresh for a longer period of time before delivery to the flower shops.

It took longer to gather data on humans, certainly a much more complex effort. However, doctors in Japan finally collected enough data to confirm not only the non-toxicity of the alkaline water, but its beneficial effects in eradicating certain disease conditions. The new methodology was called functional water technology, a term still used in Japan to this day.

The first commercial alkaline ionic water ionizers were available in Japan in l958. At first, only very large units were used in hospitals. In l960, a group of Japanese medical doctors and agricultural research scientists, formed a special medical and agricultural research institute to investigate ionized water. Annual meetings were held to report their findings. Finally, in January 1966, the Health and Rehabilitation Ministry of the Japanese Government acknowledged the alkaline ionic water ionizer as a legitimate medical device for improving human health.

Japanese-made alkaline ionic water ionizers were first introduced to Korea in the 70’s, and today are also approved as medical devices by the government of South Korea. In 1985, the Korean-made household unit was introduced in the United States. A successful toxicity test was conducted by an independent testing laboratory in LA utilizing FDA standards the next year. The results proved that there was no toxicity in the alkaline ionic water generated by the water ionizer.

Japanese Scientists

Despite the success of the testing, it wasn’t until the 1990’s that the market for ionizers began, principally through Japanese and Korean companies, who are still continuing their research and development now. The advent of the millennium brings a recent resurgence and growth in the alkaline water ionization, with good reason. People are sicker than ever. For all of our modern technology, medical procedures, and prescription drug use, disease rates continue to skyrocket in the majority of developed nations. The biggest common denominator amongst these nations is the fact that almost everyone drinks “dirty water.”

Over the last forty years, it is estimated that somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 million Japanese citizens have used these devices. This could very well help explain the fact that Japan has the number one health care system in the world as reported by Dr. Barbara Starfield in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Japan reports higher cancer survival rates and other disease recovery rates as well. Unfortunately, the United States ranked a miserable number thirteen in this report. Could a partial answer to what plagues you lie in life giving and life sustaining ionized water? We think so.

Dr. Linda Posch MS SLP ND: Has an eclectic clinical approach and strongly advocates the use of ionized water coupled with whole food liquid vitamins and whole food vitamin supplements.

FREE IonLife Dealer Monthly Technical Support Webinars

In an effort to increase dealer product knowledge, IonLife will be hosting a FREE monthly technical support webinar. These hour long sessions will include education on specific ionizer topics, new dealer training, and an opportunity for general Q&A. IonLife water ionizer technical support staff will be facilitating these meetings with participation from our very own VP of Technology, Geoff Poole. For schedule and registration details, please contact, Crystle Hyatt or 775-851-9451 ext. 2022 (877)ION-LIFE ext. 2022 and (877-466-5433) ext. 2022 to register In addition, any webinar topic requests may be submitted to Crystle as well.

FREE Dr. Young Book for all Ionizer Sales

For every IONIZER sale, starting September 15, 2008
(promotion ends October 15, 2008
[book value is at $24.95]
IonLife will include a FREE hard cover version of
Dr. Robert Young's, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
Contrary to other popular weight loss books, most notably those, such as The Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet, that tout a low-carbohydrate approach to achieving weight loss, the Youngs maintain that the primary culprit behind excessive weight gain, as well as many other health problems, is a chronic state of acidity in the body (a pH value below 7.1). Shifting the body's chemistry to a more alkaline pH, they maintain, will quickly and easily result in the loss of excess weight and the buildup of more lean muscle tissue. Lessons from this book are great to coincide with drinking alkaline ionized water in making the body more alkaline for weight loss.
Click Here for more information.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Changes and More Changes ...


Offices - WareHouse
IonLife now has a new corporate headquarters with offices, meeting rooms and a larger warehouse. We're growing fast and have some very productive and profitable wholesale account programs coming your way, a dedicated Technical Support center for the fastest service, a new diligent and thorough Customer Service department for easy ordering/tracking/shipping, a Marketing department for new websites, sales and marketing tools for our dealers, and a top notch Wholesale Support and Sales department for faster information and advice!

We have doubled our staff in the past couple of months in Reno.
We've found a real water geek (see Geoff Poole), a wonderful new General Manager to install the best technological tools for seamless communication and processing, a VP of Sales who will be helping roll out new programs and a real COO (whatever that is).

We're working hard to make things easier for all of us and if you have any suggestions or would like to visit the office, either please contact us at, use our Live Chat (instant chat with an IonLife representative within seconds!) or call us direct!

Visit Here to read more about the IonLife staff and see the faces behind the names.

Want to come by and say hi? Zaba from Best Water, our Canadian IonLife Wholesale Partner, just visited this month and we loved having her! Come meet the IonLife team and go through a training, or schedule a demonstration at our facilities. Just let us know when you're coming in and we'll be happy to meet with you. Please let your wholesale account representatives know (Tycho Robertson or Rudy Altamarano) when you will be arriving.

Rudy AltamiranoWholesale Account Representative x2016
Tycho RobertsonWholesale Account Representative x2007

This month IonLife completed the implementation of a premiere $28,000 Shoretel Telephone System! Recognizing that reliability is the most critical part of any business system, we have purchased Shoretel to better our service to you. We are so glad to have made the system improvement for easier and no-hassle communication. Thank you for your patience over the past few months as we made the transition to new phones (aaarg) and office space!

Below are the new numbers and extensions

IonLife Phone Numbers:
IonLife Main: 1-775-851-9451 + ext.
IonLife Toll free: 1-800-875-9025 + ext.
Direct Extensions:
Technical and Repair x2010
Accounting x2003
Repair and Shipping x2018
Shipping Manager x2004
Marketing 619-379-3689
Rudy Altamirano Wholesale Account Rep. x2016
Tycho Robertson Wholesale Account Rep. x2007
New Corporate Office Address:
IonLife, Inc.8475 Technology Way, Suite C, Reno, NV 89521

New Filters on the Way
Yes, it's true! ionLife is working on USA made, technologically superior, water ionizer filters for Jupiter water ionizers. Specific elements such as lead, fluoride, etc. will be targeted in a new wave of filters that will outperform any of our competitors AND be affordable.

IonLife Stays a Jump Ahead

IonLife and 2008 Olympian Brad Walker

#1 World Ranked Pole Vaulter, Brad's Leading Team USA for the 2008 Olypmics & guess what he is using?!

The #1 pole vaulter of the USA Olympic Track & Field Team 2008, Brad Walker, is using a Jupiter Science water ionizer for hydration, enhanced performance and wellness.
Last month Brad just set a new USA record. The 2008 World Olympics will be held in Bejing, China, starting in August. We'll keep you posted on his progress!

News as it Happens

We are trying hard to serve you better! We are currently having water ionizer comparison independent lab tests done.
*Hint* Preliminary results are in and we're thrilled!
More to come in the next newsletter with actual numbers! These results will instill even greater public confidence in our superior machines and help you outsell the competition based on true and accurate FACTS!

pH Meters & Water Ionizers

Products Revisited:
Why doesn't IonLife's manufacturer ( Jupiter Science) include pH displays on their water ionizer machines?
Simple. THEY AREN'T ACCURATE! Yes, it's true, ALL pH meters must be re-calibrated virtually after each use AND are designed to be used in standing water to provide ACCURATE readings. A built-in pH meter is NOT a true depiction of the level of pH you are receiving from your unit. Just a fact we thought you should know! Those "other ionizer guys" aren't getting what their meter is reading! Hope this tidbit helped you go get'em.

IonLife's Project Africa

An Important Message from Jay Hare,
President & CEO of IonWays
As a water industry professional, I have been invited to join the Healing Bridges Foundation, on a humanitarian mission to the refugee camps in Kassala, Sudan.

I have a vision to help; you can join with me to make my vision a reality.
In developing countries almost 80% of illness is water related. Unsafe water creates high risk for a host of diarrheal and other diseases as well as chemical intoxication. Unsanitary water has particularly devastating effects on young children in the developing world. Each year, 2 million people, mostly children less than 5 years of age, die of diarrheal disease. We can make a difference. Please continue to read about our progress, experience and goodwill as IonLife contributes to a worthwhile cause.

Become part of our family and contact us for more information.
Or if interested Click This Link to get sent off to the full appeal letter. The letter also has the link where people can donate.

Thank you for caring.
Sincerely, Jay Hare

To Blog or Not to Blog

Check it out: Ian Blair Hamilton, the Australian ionLife Agent, has a terrific blog that includes water information, details about various health related topics, points of interest, and much more. His approach creates a very wholesome "next-door-neighbor" feel that is inviting and informative. Be sure to join his email list & happy blogging!

Wholesale Dealer Marketing Tip
Drive more traffic, be an expert, and start a blog. Report daily on your experiences with alkaline ionized water, your friends' results, the latest water news in your area. Be sure to include lots of links to your site. This will help you drive traffic to your site, establish you as a water guru in your area, and help you in overall sales. There are several blog sites that will allow you to set up a FREE blog (such as this one). Be sure to also link your personal website with your blog site.

Being Green is easy

IonLife's Going Green
In an effort to preserve our environment IonLife is turning green! We now recycle our packaging, buy green products, working on reusable replacement filters and using paperless ways to communicate such as this blog.
We encourage you to be environmentally conscience and help better our world. Below are a few simple suggestions we can easily do on a daily basis: 1. Turn off your computer at night - it can use the same amount of electricity as a refridgerator. 2. Don't use plastic bags if you can help it as they are difficult and expensive to recycle. 3. Buy re-cycled products such as printing paper, carboard boxes, paper towels, toilet paper, paper cups etc. Paper products are preferrable for the environment and recycling over plastic products. 4. Use eco-friendly products that don't emit harmful chemicals (air fresheners, cleaning supplies, etc. ) 5. Drink alkaline water in glass bottles to eliminate the use of plastic bottles (bad for our health, environment and very difficult to recycle).

Our Thanks to You

Want a FREE Orion, Aquarius, Melody, Neptune or Microlite?

We know you work hard, and if you order 10 ionizers within a 4 week period, we are giving you a FREE refurbished ionizer of your choice with free shipping. Offer is open until further notice and units will be supplied until out of stock. Refurbed units look as new and come with full warranty. Great for a loaner and once your contact tastes and feels the difference the rest should be easy.
Also if you refer a wholesale account and they order within 30 days, you receive a FREE Microlite or Neptune! Even an upgrade to a Melody is only $100 and an Orion or Aquarius is $200. Awesome!

New VP of Technology

IonLife gets Technical
We welcome Geoff Poole to IonLife and our corporate office as the VP of Technology.
Mr. Water Guru and Expert, Geoff has over 28 years of unparalleled experience at virtually every level in the water industry. No other USA ionizer company has that kind of expertise on-staff!
He's developing new ionizer technologies as well as managing our R&D department. In each newsletter he'll be sharing with us exclusive new information and updates.
For Geoff's Bio Click Here