Friday, May 28, 2010

ORP Explained, Part 2

In our last issue, we discussed the pesky free radical, and how we can combat them and their effects on health. In this issue, I will address how we can win the war against free radicals using an IonLife ionizer.

First, let's discuss how we can add negatively charged electrons to our drinking water using electrolysis. Electrolysis is the process in which an electrical current is used to separate the alkaline and acidic elements in tap water. It's important to know that all alkaline minerals and acidic elements have completely different polarities. We use these different polarities to our advantage in producing the healthiest water on Earth! Alkaline minerals have a positive, natural polarity and are called "cations." Acid elements have a negative polarity called "anions."

In nature, opposites attract. In alternating positive and negative currents, we can persuade these two very different elements into different directions, resulting in two streams of water with completely different properties. Cationic, positively charged, alkaline minerals are drawn to the negatively charged electrode. This enables the ionizer to add the needed electrons for the oxidation reduction to take place. As the alkaline minerals are drawn to and are passing by the negative electrode, they have the opportunity to "pick-up" and carry negative electrons into our water creating its amazing anti-oxidant properties!

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