ORP, or oxidation reduction potential, is the actual measurement of electrons in the oxygen and is measured as millivolts, either plus (+) or minus (-). A positive ORP reading is showing the oxidizing properties of the oxygen; a negative ORP reading is showing the anti-oxidant potential.
Many people don't truly understand what a free radical (or oxidant) is, so let's take a quick look and find out. A free radical is, simply, oxygen molecules gone bad. Molecules, like teenagers, are always moving in and out of new groups with constant break-up and make-ups. They bind together by sharing electrons, but when a weak bond is formed and two oxygen molecules go their different directions, the shared electron is destroyed and disappears. When this happens, a free radical is born. This free radical will seek out other healthy oxygen molecules and, in an attempt to right itself and resume stability, it tries to steal back the electron - but this doesn't happen. Instead, the electron shared with the free radical is destroyed and two free radicals have been born. These "bad" molecules are creating a chain reaction, one in which many molecules become free radicals. Because so many healthy oxygen molecules are lost, this chain reaction is harmful to health at a cellular level. This is why anti-oxidants are so important to the human body and its ability to maintain wellness.
It's the process of oxidation that causes a nail to rust, an apple to turn brown, and most other forms of decay and premature aging.
The electrons of oxygen molecules like to stay in pairs and always in even numbers. When a free radical comes along and destroys one of the healthy molecules' electrons, the odd number of electrons create the need for the "broken" molecule to seek out an electron in order to right itself.
Now that we know how a free radical causes the reaction known as oxidation, let's take a look at how an anti-oxidant works. The anti-oxidant is an oxygen molecule that has an abundance of negatively charged electrons; this is measured as negative (-) ORP. These anti-oxidants have the ability to lend the missing electron to the free radical and turn it back to a healthy oxygen molecule. Through the process of electrolysis, we can create these anti-oxidant, negatively charged, electron rich, and healthy oxygen molecules from everyday tap water.
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